Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Church experience

Only one week left to go. We have seen so much, yet so little. Church on Sunday was amazing. As we sat among a church body of friends and potential friends thru the crowd rang out a voice so beautiful and so pure. It was that of a young 17 year old and as she sang out chills rang from my head to my toes. She is small and young but when she sings to Jesus I’m convinced the heavens still to hear her lift up a joyful and desperate cry. What an amazing young girl. I thought such talent is hidden here. Just as I began to think of how I could find a way to get that sound onto a CD or into the world and feeling like there is some injustice done due to the fact that that sound isn’t being shared with the world showing his glory, I felt him quicken my heart to his voice. “That sound can raise the dead its true but I get all that. That voice that beauty Stills the heavens and that sound is bringing me glory right here for such a time as this. She brings encouragement, hope and joy to her people. It is a sound unique to her nation for her nation, for such a time as this.” I am reminded at how human I am and how often my thoughts and my intentions are not always in line with what HE is doing. I repented and sat there in awe of his creation that morning feeling lucky to have been able to witness something so pure and lovely. Yesterday we went to a small shopping area and saw some fun things and to a Game Park to see wild animals, again causing my heart to be still and at peace just being able to be so close to his creation. To sit there, wind in my face looking out at Africa and its creatures was just so incredibly breath taking. So I’m now being called to breakfast so as I enter a new day and another week with such a beautiful people here in Swaziland My eyes and ears and heart are open to hearing him and watching him move and I’m looking forward to seeing what he has in store for our team this last week we are here!.


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